What is Spring Boot? — The Spring Boot Basics and Definition

Spring Boot is two different frameworks, and while Spring is the Java framework that is also open-sourced, Spring Boot is a framework that was created out of the Spring framework. Using the concept of inversion of controlled dependencies, Spring is targeted to facilitate the development application. Spring Boot libraries are linked to the underlying Spring framework in code and function as one library. Spring is the most popular. Spring consists of many sub-frameworks, including Spring Boot.

Those of us you who are part of a team of developers know that the development time used to finish your activities is short and carries a lot of responsibility. You can’t waste time configuring a project in lieu of developing it, but with Spring Boot, you don’t need to worry about spending hours configuring stuff. It brings much smarter defaults and auto-configurations to the table.

You just tell it what you want it to do by writing a few lines of code, which sets everything up for you. Spring Boot plays well with modern development practices like building APIs, databases, and web applications. Spring Boot forms the entry point to the top layer of the Spring framework and contains all of the features that Spring promises a software engineer. Some features of this web-based spring application include a few more than you imagined. Let’s get into it.

Features of the Spring Boot

Looking at this from the basics, Spring Boot is one of the top Java frameworks and is quite popular among Java engineers today. With its stunning features in the development industry, we can say Spring Boot has earned its place within the Java world. Some of the features of Spring Boot include the following:

1. Speedy Development:

It is a well-suited Spring module for web application development. We can easily create self-contained embedded HTTP servers using an embedded web server from Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow. We can use the spring-boot-starter-web module to start and run applications quickly. Read more on how to choose the best hosting and web frameworks for your apps.

2. Smart Approach:

Think of Spring Boot as your assistant who knows what’s best during your development process. It already has good ideas about how things should work. It shows you the right errors and helps you fix them. This means you don’t have to spend too much time deciding how your project should be set up.

3. Compatible with other web-based languages:

Spring Boot is like a team player. It gets along with other tools and programs, especially those in the Spring family. So, when you need special tools for databases or security, you can easily connect them. It’s like having a bunch of friends with different skills who can help you out.

Process of Building a Spring Boot Application

Spring Boot comes with smart ways to do things so you don’t waste time setting stuff up.

What do you need?

Java Proficiency: You need to acquire a solid grasp of basic concepts of Java programming before learning Spring Boot, as Java underpins Spring Boot to help you write better code in OOP patterns and concepts, including reusable Java libraries, concurrency patterns, MVC patterns, RESTful APIs, Java GUI frameworks, the ability to write clean code, code versioning tools, and continuous integration.

Spring Boot Framework: An understanding of the core capabilities of the Spring Boot framework, a Spring platform that simplifies the development of Java applications and helps you write reusable codes.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE): We have different kinds of IDEs. We have VS Code, Eclipse, BlueJ, DrJava, NetBeans, and more. However, most Java Spring Boot Developers use IntelliJ IDEA as it is the most suitable and flexible. So, select a suitable IDE, such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse, for a productive development environment.

Build Automation Tool: Choose either CMake, Apache Ant, TeamCity, Jenkins, Maven, or Gradle as your build automation tool to manage project dependencies and build processes. Most Java programmers depend on Maven or Gradle. Maven can be installed with a package manager. If you use OS X Homebrew, try Brew and install Maven. Ubuntu users can run the command below:

sudo apt-get install maven

For Gradle installation on Linux run this command.

sdk install gradle

Project Concept: Define the purpose and scope of your application, as well as its architectural requirements.

The Development Process

Building a Spring Boot application is a comprehensive process that necessitates technical expertise and meticulous attention to detail. It combines software development principles with the capabilities of the Spring Boot framework to produce robust, scalable, and efficient Java applications.

Starting up the development process for Springboot is most similar to running a web application with an IDE.

  • Configure your application by choosing your preferred IDE. Most Java developers chose IntelliJ IDEA for Java and SpringBoot development.
  • Initialize a new Spring Boot project within your IDE. This is typically achieved by running the command below.
$ java -version
  • Create your project folder and specify your project dependencies by configuring the build file, whether it be pom.xml (Maven) or build.gradle (Gradle). Include dependencies relevant to your project, such as “Spring Web” for a web application.
  • You want to start writing your code by creating your folder structure with various components, including controllers, services, and data models.
  • Use the Spring Boot application with annotation integration like @RestController, @Service to denote the role and behavior of your classes within the application’s context.
  • Launch your Spring Boot application with your preferred IDE, thereby initiating its runtime execution.
  • Run a test by verifying the application’s functionality. All you need to do is access it through a web browser via http://localhost:8080.
  • Address any identified issues or discrepancies by means of debugging and code refinement.
  • Now that your application is ready for deployment. You can deploy to a production environment, which may involve configuring a web server or container.
  • Once the application is thoroughly tested and ready, shop around for the best cloud server hosting options and deploy it to a suitable hosting environment where it can be accessed by end-users.

Building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot

Now, let’s talk about building APIs using Spring Boot, but in less technical words and more conversational.

1. RESTful Basics: So, first things first, what’s REST? Well, it’s a way for servers to connect to each other over the internet, like how you respond to messages from your emails. RESTful APIs are like these neat channels of communication developed between different software systems’ embedded servers. It is like sending data between two servers with a PUSH and PULL system.

2. Building RESTful Endpoints: In Spring Boot, creating a RESTful API endpoint in Spring container is like opening a small server window, allowing other programs to ask for or send data.

3. Handling Requests and Responses: Once your window is open (the endpoint is set up), Spring Boot is good at translating what one program says into a language another program understands. It will help code and decode data messages between servers. This can be done with a cipher key provided by the authenticating server.

Accessing Data Using Spring Boot

Database Interaction: 

Databases serve as the bedrock for structured data storage. Spring Boot streamlines the process of interfacing with these repositories. You can carry out data storage, retrieval, and modification operations seamlessly.

Supports NoSQL Databases: 

In some scenarios, the traditional filing cabinet structure might not suffice. Spring Boot extends its support to NoSQL databases, offering a dynamic alternative that caters to a less structured data model. This facet of Spring data is analogous to accommodating an approach where items are conveniently placed within a container without rigid organization.


Spring Boot is a Java framework that works to build a solid backend system. As it is one of the most popular frameworks used by web-based programmers, Spring Boot might not be able to integrate with all front-end JavaScript frameworks.

At ServerMania our cloud servers are affordable and offer robust and reliable infrastructure for Spring applications. Contact us today for a free consultation regarding your next project.