What is IP Restriction?

IP Restriction is a security measure established by an administrator or business owner to enable them to restrict access to their company’s data to a specific registered IP address range.

Think of IP restriction as a security measure that controls who can access your online resources. Like that velvet rope at the club, it lets you decide which virtual visitors are welcome and which are bounced out. How does it do that, you ask?

Every other user or device connected to the internet has a unique address, like a home address, but in the tech world – it is called an IP address. So, IP Restriction uses these addresses to identify who’s knocking at your door. It’s like checking the guest list before granting access.

How IP Restrictions Work

Imagine you run an online store and want only customers from a particular region. With IP Restriction, you can create a list of region IP addresses. They are put on the “allowed list”. Anyone else trying to come in with a different address than the allowed list gets moved to the “blacklist”.

IP Restriction is not just for kicking devices off. It’s a weapon against all sorts of internet troublemakers. When those hackers are looking to break into your website or launch a DDoS attack, IP Restriction makes it hard for them to get in.

Before you start thinking it’s that easy, there are some limitations. You, the administrators, must be smarter by combining IP Restrictions with other security measures to keep your servers impenetrable.

Remember, it’s not just big-shot websites that benefit from this defense. Apps, cloud services, and even your home network can get some action. Whether guarding important individual financial information or protecting your online social media, IP Restriction always comes in handy.

How IP Addresses Function

IP addresses are unique numbers used to identify a device or a network. Devices are uniquely identified by their IP addresses. They ensure data gets to where it needs to go, much like your home address makes sure mail gets to your door. IPv4 (for example, and IPv6 (for example, 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334) are the two types.

When you use a device on a website, your device sends an IP request, and the website responds by providing the information you requested. Data travels from your device and returns via your own IP address; it’s a two-way street.

The internet’s infrastructure is built on IP addresses, which make communication and connectivity seamless and enable you to access social media and watch movies. These virtual addresses help keep users’ data on the correct track. Without them, the internet would be a disorganized, information-loss disaster.

See also: How to Allocate an IP Address to a Virtual Server

Roles of Firewalls and Routers in IP Restrictions

With IP Restriction enabled, firewalls and routers play the dynamic role of protecting your servers from cyber attacks. Like security guards, firewalls sit between your network and the wild web, analyzing data traffic and sniffing out suspicious characters. They are shut down by restricting access to specific IP addresses, keeping the unauthorized personnel with force field-like protection.

Firewalls can be selective, only blocked by following the rules of account administrators. On the other hand, routers keep track of every connected device’s unique IP address, acting like the master conductor of your server. When a request comes in, the router checks the allowed list and blacklist to deny unauthorized outsiders from peeping.

See also: How to block an IP using iptables

Benefits of IP Restrictions

  1. IP address restrictions increase your chances of enhanced security of data.
  2. It helps users authorize access to your networks and apps from the allowed list of individual IP addresses; you reduce the risk of data breaches and unwanted access.
  3. You can use it to block traffic coming from malicious IP addresses. IP restriction can assist in preventing Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) assaults.
  4. It prevents brute force attacks. Brute force attacks are attempts by hackers to break passwords using a variety of combinations. Limiting login attempts from particular IPs helps stop these attacks.

Limitations of IP Restrictions

  1. Too many IP restrictions and regulations might unintentionally block genuine users, causing inconvenience and hampering user experience.
  2. Constant updates to maintain restrictions due to changing IP addresses in dynamic networks.
  3. Crafty attackers may try to spoof or hide their real IP addresses by passing IP restrictions and posing a threat to the system’s security.


IP restriction is a powerful tool for controlling access and enhancing digital security. It allows only trusted IP addresses while keeping intruders at bay. With benefits like DDoS protection and prevention of unauthorized access, setting up IP restrictions is a must-have defense mechanism on your servers.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to restrict IPs on your server, check out the ServerMania Cloud where configuration and setup is simple and easy. Whether you have a large site or small, our database hosting prices are also incredibly competitive. Partner with ServerMania and ensure a safer and more secure online experience using IP restriction alongside other security measures.