Setup FXP on FTP servers.
Here is a small guide about how to setup most popular FTP servers on linux for site-to-site transfers ( FXP ).
ProFTPD FTP server:
Config file: /etc/proftpd.conf
Add “AllowForeignAddress on” in the Global sections of the configuration file.
vsftpd FTP server:
Config file: /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
Add lines to config:
wu-ftpd FTP server:
Config file to edit: /etc/ftpaccess
Dirrectives in config:
port-allow {ArbitraryClassName} {HostAddrs}
pasv-allow {ArbitraryClassName} {HostAddrs}
If you want to allow FXP for everyone just use predefined class “all”:
port-allow all
pasv-allow all
If you want to give FXP to clients from some addresses only you have to create new class for them first:
class {ArbitraryClassName} {AccessTypes} {HostAddrs} [HostAddrs]
class fxpclass real,guest,anonymous * *
class all real,guest,anonymous *
This will define a new class “fxpclass”. Make sure you have put this definition before the class “all” definition.
Now you can use the new class in FXP options:
port-allow fxpclass
pasv-allow fxpclass
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