October’s Roundup of the Best Startup, Hosting, & Technology Content

In the month or so since our last roundup, there’s been a lot going on in the world of small business, web hosting, and general technology news. This is a time of year to reflect on what’s happened through the year and start looking toward next year. Gartner’s list of the top 10 IT trends for 2015 is very insightful to where business is heading and can provide you with some ideas of what may be helpful to your business.
Security, mobile, and gamification have been hot topics this year and we tried to address these in on our blog as well as include several great articles below covering those topics. To catch up on all the rest of the major happenings from October, check out the rest of the roundup below. And make sure you read all the way to the end to see which famous person made their very first tweet. If you enjoy this collection of industry news, feel free to follow us over on Facebook and Twitter. Enjoy!
Small Business and Startup
This Is Not A Startup Story
When you start a small business it can be hard to know the difference between success and failure at first glance. This is a fascinating story of what many businesses experience when starting out. Hopefully it can provide you with some guidance if you’re just starting out.
What Makes Mobile So Vital For Small Businesses?
What is it about mobile that makes it such a powerful tool for business? And why, specifically, is it so important to your organization in particular? This post looks to answer those questions and many more in helping you create a mobile plan for your business.
Richard Branson on Challenges: It’s More Fun Being David Than Goliath
Beyond being adventurous, fun and affordable, the Virgin brand is fearless when it comes to taking on giant challenges, Richard Branson says. “We take on organizations much bigger than ourselves, it’s a lot more fun being David than Goliath.” The iconic entrepreneur admits, however, that the Goliaths of the business world do tend to win against smaller competitors.
Upworthy Co-Founder on the Truth Behind His Startup’s Success
Upworthy co-founder Eli Pariser doesn’t claim to know exactly why his startup has grown so fast so early. While some founders attribute their success to what Pariser calls “the cult of the CEO,” meaning the success of a plan implemented from the top down, that’s not the story Pariser tells about how Upworthy found a large audience of readers in the fiercely competitive landscape of news websites. Find out what his secret is.
The Surprising New Math of Startups
What makes some startups successful and others not? The Kauffman Foundation’s Firm Survey, one of the longest and largest studies ever of privately owned startups, debunks some long-held assumptions about who succeeds or fails in the startup world.
Watching Larry Ellison become Larry Ellison — The DNA of a Winner
“Without a doubt, Larry was the most potent entrepreneur I’ve known.” A beautifully written account of what it was like to work with Larry Ellison early on what made him such a successful entrepreneur.
The Number One Reason Most Tech Startups Fail
Tech startups fail for many different reasons. But a recent study of 100 post-mortem essays written by founders or investors after their startups went south found that 42 percent of these startups cited a particular reason for failing.
Web Hosting
Three Types Of Data You Should Never Store In A Public Cloud
In this post we looked at the risks associated with storing information in the cloud and why certain types of information are best secured in other places.
How to Install Minecraft on Ubuntu or Any Other Linux Distribution
How To Geek’s step by step guide to installing Minecraft on any Linux distribution is great and easy to understand.
Three Psychological Features Of A Landing Page That Make People Click
What’s the secret to an effective landing page? There are at least three basic features that great landing pages all have in common. These features have less to do with button size or color, and more to do with the underlying reasons about why people, think, click, act and decide.
Web Design 101: How HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Work
Ever wondered how computer programming works, but haven’t done anything more complicated on the web than upload a photo to Facebook? Then this is the article for you. The concept of creating a website from scratch — layout, design, and all — can seem really intimidating, but this article makes it seem like anyone can do it.
General Tech
New Doctor Who Game Teaches You How To Code
This new game, The Doctor and the Dalek, aims to do something more than provide you with point-and-click entertainment — it hopes to teach pre-adolescents how to code through a recurring game mechanic where the Doctor must rebuild parts of the Dalek in order to power it up to surpass certain challenges.
Ubuntu turns 10!
A look back at the decade in Ubuntu, from Warty Warthog to 25 million users worldwide.
Gartner: Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends For 2015
Gartner Symposium/ITxpo just happened this month in Orlando. As always, their IT experts have identified what they believe to be the top-10 information technology trends for the year ahead. Strategic technology trends are defined as having potentially significant impact on organizations in the next three years. Read for a summary of the trends.
What Minecraft is teaching your kids about money
If your kids are chattering non-stop about things like emeralds, pickaxes and creepers, you may have a unique opportunity to turn a video game addiction into a life lesson about money. It is “about barter, about value, about how to protect your stuff,” says Hank Mulvihill, a financial adviser in Richardson, Texas.
And to end of a fun note…
The Queen Tweets!
Something one doesn’t see everyday… The Queen sends her first tweet to open #smInfoAge #TheQueenTweets pic.twitter.com/yOeK6Jlnxx
— Science Museum (@sciencemuseum) October 24, 2014
Image: Flickr/PublicPlaces
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