November’s Roundup of the Best Start Up, Hosting, & Technology Content

It was a busy month, as the Holiday season is officially upon us. We hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend and we’ve put together a list of all the small business, web hosting, and general technology news you might’ve missed this month. There are robots that can teach kids how to code, kids that are passing Microsoft exams, and advice from an 80-year-old man. Firefox is now 10 years old and one company shows you how to recover from a major typo on your very first day. If you enjoy this collection of industry news, feel free to follow us over on Facebook and Twitter. Enjoy!
Small Business and Startup
Why Do Startups Fail, According To Their Founders
The popular tag line is “9 out of 10 startups fail”. This is a study of the post-mortems of those failed startups to see what commonalities there were between them.
The Product Spectrum
One entrepreneur has created a theory to distinguish between what makes a startup succeed and what makes it fail. It’s called The Product Spectrum.
6 Must Haves When Starting A Small Business
Starting a new business is never easy, that’s why we’ve put together the basics of what you’ll need.
How a Misspelling Launched the Most Important Startup You’ve Never Heard of
Here’s a great startup story about Docker, which launched a mere 19 months ago and gives its software away for free, but has become a huge industry phenom after starting with a typo.
Networking Advice From Kyle Samani, CEO of Pristine
Kyle Samani is a Co-Founder and CEO of Pristine, the leading company pioneering Google Glass in healthcare and the broader enterprise. Recently, YEC spoke with Kyle about his experiences networking, and his advice for others aspiring to improve their own experience.
You Are Not Late
Don’t be scared off from becoming a tech entrepreneur out of fear that you’ve missed your window. We haven’t even scraped the service of what the Internet could do and this post believes we are still in the infant stages of the Internet.
7 Things Warren Buffett Can Teach You About Leadership
Warren Buffett is a notoriously frugal spender and reveres value investing. Having pledged to donate 99 percent of his wealth, he’s proof that sometimes old-school techniques work. If you’re an up-and-coming leader (or just want to be), check out what Buffett can teach you about leadership, wise moves, and humility.
Web Hosting
Cloud gaming could reach a turning point in 2015, analyst says
Streaming of high-end games could become available to nearly 150 million people, a five-fold increase, in 2015 thanks to the growth of cloud services.
How Often Should You Backup Your Data, Really?
How often should you back up your data and does that answer change depending on the type of data? These questions and more are discussed on the Server Mania Blog.
Firefox turns 10, releases new developer-centric web browser
As part of the 10th anniversary of Firefox 1.0, Mozilla has released a new version of Firefox to the public with a few key features.
Demystifying cloud computing jargon: A guide to understanding the future of IT infrastructure
A recent discussion with top industry professionals and cloud thought leaders revealed that, for cloud solution providers, education was the biggest hurdle in cloud service adoption. Here is how to explain cloud technology in simpler terms.
General Tech
Harvard Researchers Build $10 Robot That Can Teach Kids to Code
Working with two other researchers at Harvard University, Mike Rubenstein recently created what they call AERobot, a bot that can help teach programming and artificial intelligence to middle school kids and high schoolers. That may seem like a rather expensive luxury for most schools, but it’s not. It costs just $10.70.
Five-year-old passes Microsoft exam
A boy from Coventry has become the youngest computer specialist in the world. Ayan Qureshi is now a Microsoft Certified Professional after passing the tech giant’s exam. He has set up his own computer network at home and hopes to set up a UK-based tech hub one day.
This is what the web looks like without ads
After a Google outage lasting for about one hour, web users noticed two odd things on most major news sites. First, the pages loaded faster. Second, there were no ads. Here is what it looked like.
What Minecraft is teaching your kids about money
Minecraft isn’t just a game that kids enjoy, it’s also teaching them about barter systems and the economy. Find out what else they’re learning.
…And To End On A Fun Note
Lego Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer
If you’re excited about the new Star Wars trailer then you’ll enjoy this trailer, recreated using lego stop-motion animation.
Original Image: Flickr/christchurchcitylibraries
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