Introducing Updated IP Justification in the Order Form
At ServerMania, we’re working hard every day to identify small ways to improve the customer experience. One of our latest updates is the introduction of IP Justification directly into our order form.
See Also: Introducing the Redesigned ServerMania Customer Experience
We conduct a variety of new customer surveys and account manager outreach in order to stay directly connected to feedback about the ServerMania experience, and one area of concern to our clients was how we were handling IP Justification.
What is IP Justification?
IP Justification is the process of identifying why a business needs additional IP addresses. This involves capturing details about the company purchasing the server, what the nature of their business is, and how the additional IP addresses will be used.
Why is IP Justification Important?
Previously, as a server was in the provisioning process and a client had requested additional IP addresses for the server, our support team would manually reach out and capture IP Justification information. This is important because there are a limited number of IPv4 addresses available for use, and we must be vigilant in maintaining the integrity of the ServerMania IP address space to protect it from spammers and other malicious users.
Without IP Justification, we run the risk of allowing abusive users with access to our clean IP address space. These users will send out mass mail or conduct other malicious activities and cause our IP addresses to become blacklisted with providers like SpamHaus. These users then cancel their service and a new user runs the risk of inheriting an IP address with a poor reputation. ServerMania is committed to doing everything we can to ensure this never happens.
Introducing the Updated Order Form
Thanks to your feedback, we have now implemented this IP Justification process directly into our order form. When a new server order is placed, we are able to capture IP Justification directly during checkout. This removes any additional time that would have previously been spent following up after the order to collect this data.
Users are now presented with a short questionnaire during checkout so we can now deploy new IP addresses as quickly as possible:
We’re always looking for updates we can make to our service, both small and large, that can make the server provisioning process as fast and simple as possible. If you have feedback about your experience with us, we’d love to hear from you. As always, you can contact our Account Management team for assistance at any time.
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