Installing Redmine + MySQL on CentOS 5

Small guide for Redmine installation on CentOS 5.3.
- Ruby 1.8.7
- RubyGems
- MySQL 4.1 or higher (recommended)
- openssl + openssl-devel
- zlib + zlib-devel
Lets install all required packages before compiling ruby.
First of all, lets add rpmforge repository to your default CentOS installation:
rpm –import
rpm -ihv
Now we will have the latest software that is not updated on official repos.
Installing all required software from repos:
yum install gcc-c++ mysql-server mysql-devel openssl openssl-devel zlib zlib-devel subversion
Start mysql server and change the pasword for user root in mysql (by default its empty):
service mysqld start
mysqladmin -u root password newpassword
Now we should be ready for ruby installation.
Installing Ruby:
tar zxvf ruby-1.8.7.tar.gz
cd ruby-1.8.7
make && make install
Installing RubyGems:
tar zxvf gems-1.3.5.tgz
cd rubygems-1.3.5
ruby setup.rb
Installing Rails:
gem install rails -v=2.3.4
Installing Redmine:
cd /opt
svn co redmine
Prepare mysql database for Redmine:
In mysql console:
create database redmine character set utf8;
create user ‘redmine’@’localhost’ identified by ‘my_password’;
grant all privileges on redmine.* to ‘redmine’@’localhost’;
Ok. Its created lets configure our database settings for Redmine:
cd /opt/redmine
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
Edit config/database.yml and set your settings:
adapter: mysql
database: redmine
host: localhost
username: redmine
password: my_password
Generate a session store secret:
cd /opt/redmine
rake config/initializers/session_store.rb
Create the database structure:
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
Insert default configuration data in database:
RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data
Setting up permissions:
chown -R redmine:redmine files log tmp public/plugin_assets
chmod -R 755 files log tmp public/plugin_assets
Configure email settings:
cd /opt/redmine
cp config/email.yml.example config/email.yml
Edit config/email.yml and set the right settings for SMTP server you will use:
Starting Redmine on built-in WEBrick web server:
ruby script/server webrick -p 8000 -e production
After its started you can access Redmine on the following URL:
Use default administrator account to log in:
- login: admin
- password: admin
Thats it. Redmine is ready to use.
Usefull links:
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