How Cheap Linux Servers Can Save Your Company Money

Running your own business server is a great way to gain full control of your hosted applications. Despite its many advantages, many businesses are scared away from doing so because of how expensive it sounds.
If your business is looking to save costs on servers, there is no better choice than to consider Linux for your operating system.
The cost benefits of running the world’s foremost open source operating system extend far beyond it being free to own. In this article, we’ll be looking at three ways a cheap Linux server can save your company in operating, licensing, and maintenance expenses.
Free Software (And Updates)
It’s impossible to have a conversation about the benefits of Linux without starting with the cost. Nearly every distribution of Linux is free to install and run on a server. While some more popular operating systems like Windows and Mac OS come with hefty monthly price tags, Linux is open source and therefore free.
Not only that, but most of the applications that run on the OS are free too. This is an open source environment, where sharing source code is encouraged among developers and users alike.
There are exceptions to this rule, but they’re rare. In certain cases, specific apps which have been brought over to Linux because of their demand may carry a cost based on the developer’s demands. These are few and far between, however, with many of the most popular programs on Linux being completely free.
Running a server on a tested and supported operating system that costs nothing is worth its weight in cartoon penguin mascots.
Less Maintenance Than Windows Or Mac
If you’ve had five minutes in the last decade to talk to a Linux user, you’ll have heard the one shining example of why they prefer it to other Operating Systems – far fewer viruses.
The truth is, any computer connected to a network is vulnerable to threats. That’s the nature of data transfer, but the user design of Linux makes it much less susceptible to viruses.
Firstly, Linux benefits from the fact that it is a “lower profile” OS than Windows or Mac OS. This means that the majority of viruses and malware designed to attack machines are created with the big names in mind.
By way of a simple example, an email attachment with a virus payload will often come in form of a .exe or .zip file. These are only usable on a Linux machine if it’s running Wine, making this a mostly redundant threat.
Of course, you could end up opening a .deb or .bin on your cheap Linux server. These files will always prompt you for access to your sudo or root password, which is a clear warning sign and should be the end of the problem.
In the modern age, maintaining your security is paramount. As viruses become more complex, and malware designers target Linux’s open source distribution, there is still risk. It’s still smart to protect yourself.
The fact of the matter is, though, you’re less likely to spend your time repairing a Linux server than any other, by a good measure. Time is money. If you spend less time repairing your business or personal server, there’s more time to focus on your business.
Discover The Benefits Of A Cheap Linux Server
Thousands of people use cheap Linux server setups to save money while maintaining their data on a platform with a hefty support base. As new releases come out, in whatever form, it’s an OS that’s becoming more accessible every year.
Interested in learning more about choosing the right server for your needs? Get in touch with us, and let one of our qualified Linux experts help you find the solution you’re looking for.
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