Announcing the Server Mania Knowledge Base

At Server Mania, we’re extremely proud of our Support Fleet. So proud, we don’t call them a Support Team, Support Department, or even a Support Crew. You have to be extremely effective at your job to be called a Fleet.
To sustain the rapid growth of our service offerings, upgraded hardware, and new data centers across the USA, we have just deployed our all-new self service Knowledge Base web resource.
If you are a long time Server Mania customer, and have become fond and accustomed to the friendly, efficient service provided by our Support Fleet, don’t worry. They will still be available to serve you. Our Knowledge Base puts information at your fingertips, and quickly access the information you need by:
- Access to articles about best practices and step by step instructions with helpful screen captures on how to get things done
- Clear answers to Frequently Asked Questions about our services. You can even vote for answers you think are really effective, or nominate Q’s and A’s we should post
- With a single mouse click, get in contact with our Support Fleet experts
Like any great Knowledge Base, the Server Mania KB:
- Has awesome search capability
- Is broken down into topic categories
- Is Mobile friendly
- Will evolve into an even more valuable customer resource based on customer feedback
- Contains a great deal of the technical knowledge of our Support Fleet, but even Server Mania can never host all of it online
We have recently rolled out a number of content improvements to our website to serve our customers, partners and prospective clients better. If you are considering a new hosting provider, or expanding your service with our company, we would be very interested in hearing from you. The Server Mania Knowledge base is a big step in the direction of continuing to improve our level of service.
Web self service is a fast, effective and reliable way to equip your customers with the information they need, when and where they need it.
Do you have a topic you’d like to see covered in a Knowledge Base Article, Q&A post or on our blog?
Tell us about it!
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